Experience of use Feronex

The buyer shared his opinion on Feronex and detailed the experience of using it to help other men facing the same problem.

Alexander from Riga: "Feronex restored my belief in myself"

The first problems with sex started when I was only 35 years old. Constant stress and lack of sleep led to erection problems. I started avoiding sex, at the same time I was looking for a remedy that would 100% help me feel confident and not afraid to fail again. I have tried dozens of remedies, from the famous blue pills to homeopathy. The effect was, but temporary, only while the pill was working. I happened to come across a discussion on the forum about Feronex and decided to order it because it doesn't get any worse. As a result, these capsules changed my life forever.

My review of Feronex

Overview of the Feronex capsules

I got acquainted with Feronex capsules thanks to an anonymous forum dedicated to the problem of erectile dysfunction in men. I immediately placed an order, attracted by the natural composition and numerous good reviews. I liked that I didn't have to pay online - I only paid for the capsules after opening the packet and making sure it really contained Feronex.

The product is securely packed, the capsules are in a jar with a strong lid, it is convenient to store and carry. The order was placed anonymously, which is handy if you don't want the postal workers to look at you with condemnation.

How I took Feronex

The instructions for use describe in detail how to use the capsules. I took one capsule in the morning and one in the evening, around the same time each day. They are small, it is not difficult to swallow Feronex, the product has no smell and taste.

Tell us about yourself. I am 40 years old, treated prostatitis in the past, was very nervous about work, there was a period of chronic stress. After that I had problems with erection and later I started gaining weight. I consulted a doctor who diagnosed a hormonal imbalance due to severe overexertion. The doctor prescribed hormones for me, but I decided against strong drugs because of the side effects. More than five years of experiments with different drugs showed no effect, but Feronex made it in just a month.

The result of taking the capsules

Result of receiving Feronex

Changes in my body happened gradually. Don't expect Feronex to get rid of all your problems after the first capsule. The natural components of the composition need time to accumulate in the body and develop their full effect. I did not have an immediate effect, like a sharp increase in erection. However, I expected Feronex to help in the long run and it did.

So, my results for the month of admission:

  1. From the first days I got less tired, my endurance increased, I had more strength and energy.
  2. From about the second week the morning erection returned, which had not been there for more than 10 years.
  3. For a month of taking it, I lost a few kilograms without changing my usual diet.
  4. I have become more confident, no longer doubting my abilities and no longer avoiding intimacy.

I attribute these changes to Feronex capsules increasing the amount of testosterone. My wife noticed a change for the better. Now we have regular sex again, because I'm no longer afraid that the erection will disappear at the most inopportune moment.

For me, I came to the conclusion that you need to constantly take care of your health. Now I will be taking Feronex capsules every six months for prevention.