Erection enhancement products

Woman and man with products with increased potency

Properly selected erection enhancement products can solve many "bed" problems in men. Even ancient healers said that a person should ingest food like medicine or medicine like food. Food has become everything - a source of enjoyment, a quick fix to hunger and satiety, status indicators, but the original and fundamental task has moved into the background. Namely, the saturation of the physical body with useful components and energy.

Erection and products that increase it

The erection is a complex process of the body in which different systems are involved:

  • nervous
  • hormonal;
  • Cardiovascular;
  • genital.

Only with the correct operation of each of them will the penis be filled with blood, which will give it the necessary strength to carry out frictions that lead to ejaculation and orgasm.

Since the work of a car depends on the quality of the fuel poured into the tank, the work of the body is related to what is in a man's diet. If you eat food waste on a daily basis, is it any wonder that sooner or later the potency wears off?

To be at the same level at any age, you need to monitor the calorie content of the daily diet and nutritional value. A sufficient amount of vitamins, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, proteins and trace elements is the key to a strong "boner".

Reasons for a Poor Erection

bad potency in a man how to increase products

Erectile dysfunction in modern men is more common and starts at a younger age than before. There are many reasons for that:

  1. Chronic illness.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Nervous disorders, stress.
  4. Bad habits.
  5. Failure to follow a healthy lifestyle.

A person's natural potential and genetics are of great importance, but any gift can be ruined. Doctors say that 80% of erectile dysfunction cases are caused by a violation of common truths, including an unbalanced diet.

If the body does not receive useful nutrients on a regular basis, it will lose immunity, strength, endurance and the ability to withstand emotional overload. In addition, it can worsen:

  • Libido;
  • sexual power;
  • Sperm quality and quantity;
  • the level of sex hormones.

Of course, a one-time snack with "street" food will not break potency, you should not regularly base your diet on semi-finished products and fast food.

Proper nutrition for men

The principles of proper nutrition are simple, you just have to adapt them to your body and lifestyle. Products for an erection should be fresh, of the highest quality, and natural.

When there is the opportunity to buy vegetables, meat, milk from farmers rather than in a store - great. Multiple freezes kill vitamins, simple fresh herring retains more nutritional value than expensive red fish that has been in the freezer for six months. Aside from that:

  1. You cannot skip breakfast or replace it with empty coffee. In the morning it is useful to eat porridge with fruit, oatmeal, in extreme cases a boiled egg and a slice of bread with a thin layer of butter will help.
  2. Meals should be regular 3-5 times a day. Such a regime will help not to rush to everything in the refrigerator in the evening.
  3. You have to drink. Purified pure water in the amount of 1-1, 5 liters accelerates the metabolism. Milk, juice, tea and drinks are food.
  4. The less processed a product is before it reaches the consumer's hands, the more useful it is. In terms of its healing properties, sweet porridge out of the bag cannot be compared with a simple "Hercules" that has to be cooked.
  5. The calorie content of the diet should be selected based on lifestyle. If 1200-1500 calories are enough for an office worker, then a builder or loader won't last long on such a diet.
  6. It is advisable to bring containers of groceries with you to work or to find a good coffee shop nearby where you can order a first course, meat, fish or salad for lunch. Pies and pies are not the best choices.
  7. It is worth avoiding food waste - mayonnaise, sausages, carbonated sugary drinks, smoked meat, hamburgers, crackers. These foods are loaded with fats, spices, and flavors. Regular consumption of such gastronomic freedoms provokes allergies, obesity, stresses the pancreas and liver.
  8. It is helpful to bring a bag of nuts, raisins, or other dried fruit with you. This will satisfy sudden hunger quickly without harming the body.

The diet should be varied, including seasonal fruits, berries, and vegetables. It is advisable to take turns with products that improve erection. On the table you need meat, fish, muesli from different types of grain, dark bread. The simpler the food, the healthier it is. You can diversify dishes with spices, onions, garlic, herbs.

Animal protein

Protein products for potency

Must be in the menu. Protein is a building material for muscles, cells of all organs and bone tissue. Under its influence, a lot of hormones are produced, hematopoietic processes occur, vitamins are absorbed.

They contain a lot of protein:

  • Poultry meat;
  • Beef, veal;
  • Pork, lamb;
  • Cottage cheese, feta cheese;
  • Protein;
  • most marine and river fish;
  • Seafood (squid, shrimp, krill, mussels);
  • Milk and fermented milk products;
  • By-products (heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, tongue).

You need to eat protein foods combined with raw or cooked vegetables for lunch and dinner. Broths are helpful. Milk, fish and poultry are well absorbed by the body, red meat is more difficult to digest and "gives" protein to the body.

An adult man needs 1-1, 2 g per kg of body weight per day. complete protein with a mass of 80 kg is obtained 96 g. If a chicken breast has around 22 grams of protein per 100 grams, simple calculations will determine that you need to eat 400 grams per day. You can use this to calculate any product or install a program on your phone that will do it itself. Excess protein causes constipation, digestive problems and its breakdown products affect the normal functioning of the kidneys and liver.

fish and seafood

Seafood for potency

Easily digestible and contain healthy fats. In addition, the gifts of rivers and oceans include:

  • Vitamins D, E, A;
  • Selenium;
  • Iodine;
  • Zinc;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • essential amino acids.

Regular consumption of fish strengthens the heart and blood vessels, helps maintain normal cholesterol levels, and improves brain activity. Because of the zinc, the most important trace element for men, it is particularly useful to eat them for potency.

Eggs and dairy products

Dairy products for potency

Eggs are rich in vitamins, trace elements and lutein, a powerful antioxidant. Quail eggs are less allergenic. Raw they lower cholesterol. But you shouldn't get carried away by eggs, 2-3 pieces per week is the optimal amount.

Not all adults can drink raw milk. In this case, it is preferable to choose fermented milk products:

  • Yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • Yogurt;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Feta cheese;
  • Hard cheese.

Not only do they strengthen the bones, but with regular use they also form the "correct" microflora in the intestines. A glass of kefir is a good snack.

Plant food

Vegetables to increase potency

A healthy man's diet is unimaginable without fruit, vegetables and grains. It is important to remember that the most useful one is that grown in season and as close as possible to the place of purchase. In winter, tomatoes and strawberries brought from Egypt are more harmful than vitamins.

Particular attention to the orange color is given to the plants by retinol, which promotes the production of testosterone. There is a lot in it:

  • Carrots;
  • Apricots;
  • Melons;
  • Persimmon;
  • Peaches;
  • sweet pepper.

It has a good effect on watermelon potency. Turnips increase libido, as do nuts, bananas and pomegranates. Algae are a valuable source of iodine that is beneficial for the thyroid and the reproductive system.

Grain has a rich mineral and vitamin composition, is good for filling and gives energy for a long time. It is useful to periodically include in the menu:

  1. Buckwheat;
  2. Oatmeal;
  3. Rice;
  4. Millet;
  5. Pearl barley;
  6. Bulgur.

They all contain fiber, which improves digestion and mobility. Thanks to cereals, you can feel an increase in sexual energy by improving blood circulation and lymph flow, increasing testosterone and having the beneficial effect on the prostate.

What food is bad for potency

Junk food for potency

There are products that increase erection well, but you still need to remove what affects men’s potency and sexual activity. The list includes:

  • Salt and sugar. Salt is necessary in small amounts, but shouldn't be used too much. Sugar can be completely eliminated and the body gets the necessary glucose from honey, dried and fresh fruits.
  • Soy. The plant contains a lot of vegetable protein and is often advertised as a meat substitute for vegetarians. Men should use it cautiously, the reason for this is the high content of the analogue of tarragon (female sex hormone).
  • Fatty Meat. A juicy piece of pork or a slice of lard is an exception, not a normal meal. High-fat meat increases cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels and causes high blood pressure.
  • Yeast bread. Sugar and fermentation cultures do not promote potency. It is worth turning the breads into flatbreads, homemade cakes without yeast.
  • Beer. Disrupts the balance of hormones and shifts them to the feminine side.
  • Coffee. A small cup of a natural drink is acceptable, but you cannot pour it, and even more so with a soluble version. Under the influence of caffeine in the male body, potency decreases, testosterone decreases, libido deteriorates.

These foods should be kept to a minimum if a man's goal is to remain healthy and sexually active for long periods of time.

Dietary supplement to increase potency

male symbol of potency increase

Even if you follow all dietary rules, it can be difficult to provide the body with the required amount of vitamins and minerals. Just to get the daily intake of vitamin C, you need to consume 1 to 2. 5 kg of apples. Drugs from the pharmacy will come to the rescue. It is worth giving preference to male complexes, the reason for this is the optimal amount of nutrients calculated for the needs of the stronger sex.

Dietary supplements are not necessarily vitamins, although, like minerals, they can also be included in their composition. Most often these are herbal and animal extracts, which have a complex effect on:

  • the immune system;
  • Power;
  • general tone;
  • sexual desire;
  • nervous system;
  • Traffic.

Dietary supplements can be bought in foreign pharmacies, but it is advisable to consult your doctor before making any purchase and starting any dietary supplement.

Food is present every day in a person's life, another question is what brings it to life besides satisfying hunger. By choosing products that increase erection, a man can strengthen his health and potency, prevent many diseases and remain vital and active into old age.